WEFP Help Screen

Screens for the WEFP have a "grey" background - GREY
Screens for the 2nd Chance WEFP have a "green" background - GREEN
Screens related to Maintenance have an "aqua" background - AQUA
Click the link below to view the help information for that screen.
Selections Due When?
Make a Selection
View Your Selection
View Selections
View Surviviors
Who Hit the Road?
View Add Player Start & End Date/Times
Add Player
View/Update Player Info
View Players

Selections Due When?
Purpose: Displays the details of when picks can be made for each week of the schedule. The important thing is that selections cannot be made for a week once the 'Stop Picks Date and Time' has been reached.

Accessing: Clicking the 'Selections Due When?' link will access this screen.

Input Fields: None

Output: Week # - The Week number corresponding to the Pro Football Season.
First Game Date Played - The date the first game of the week is played.
Last Game Date Played - The date the last game of the week is played.
Allow Picks Date - The date that all selections can start being made for a week. Selections can be made for future weeks.
Allow Picks Time - The time (related to the date) that selections can start being made for a week.
Stop Thursday Game Picks Date - If there is a Thursday Game during the week the last date (in combination with 'Stop Thursday Game Picks Time') that you can pick the Thursday game is displayed here. If there is no Thursday night game, the value displayed will be zero (0).
Stop Thursday Game Picks Time - If there is a Thursday Game during the week the last time (in combination with 'Stop Thursday Game Picks Date') that you can pick the Thursday game is displayed here. If there is no Thursday night game, the value displayed will be zero (0).
Stop Picks Date - The deadline date for making picks for a week (in combination with 'Stop Picks Time') for a week.
Stop Picks Time - The deadline time for making picks for a week (in combination with 'Stop Picks Date') for a week.
Thursday Game? - This an Y or N indicator used to let you know if there is/are Thursday night games for a particular week.

Other Output
Further Processing:None.

Make a Selection
Purpose: Begin the process of making a selection by entering a Week Number. The validity of the week number is checked (must be between 1 and 21). If the week is a prior week (invalid) an error screen will be presented. If the week is a current or future week a screen asking for your Group Name, Alias Name, Password, and Selection is displayed.

Accessing: Clicking the 'Make a Selection' link will access this screen.

Input Fields: Week Number

Output: If edits are passed, the make a selection screen is displayed.
Week - The Week number entered by the player (corresponds to the week number of the Pro Football Season.
Deadline Date and Time - Found in the header and indicates the date and time that the weeks selection must be input by.
Group Name - Allows for entry of the Group Name for the player.
Alias Name - Allows for entry of the Alias Name for the player.
Password - Allows for thte entry of the Password for the player. Note that it is encrypted as you type it in.
'Keep Data' checkbox - Allows for entry by 'Group Leaders' to make it easier to put in multiple selections. Clicking this box will preserve the Group Name and Password in the input fields and leave Alias Name blank. The 'Group Leader' then just needs to enter the Alias Name and Selection. As long as the 'Keep Data' box is checked it will process the selection and set up for the next entry. When the last selection is being made for the group, just 'unclick' the 'Keep Data' box and you will receive the confirmation screen.
Games for the Week - All the games for the week are displayed and you are allowed to select only one of the teams.
Submit Selection Button - Starts the process to put your selection in the database.
Clear Screen Button - Erases all entries and text entered by the player.
Other Output
Invalid Week Screen is displayed if the date and time for allowing a selection has passed.

A not eligible to make a selection screen is displayed if the player has been knocked out of the pool due to a loss in a prior week.

A not eligible to make a selection screen is displayed if the player has never been identified as a player in the pool.
Further Processing:Once the player has filled in the Group Name, Alias Name, Password, made a selection, and 'clicked' Submit Selection. The data is edited and a number of events can occur.
1. Assuming a valid password is entered, if a Group Name/Alias Name combination is found and the player has not yet been eliminated, either a confirmation screen is displayed or in the case of 'Keep Data' another input screen is displayed for further entries. Note that when all selections are added it is highly recommended that the Player or 'Group Leader' use the 'View Your Selection' link to ensure that the data is there and correct.
2. Assuming a valid password is entered, if a Group Name/Alias Name combination is found and the player is eliminated a notification screen is displayed giving the current details for the player. A contact link is available on that screen for questions and complaints.
3. If a match cannot be found for the Group Name, Alias Name, and Password, a notification screen is displayed indicating that there was no match and showing the data that was entered. A contact link is available on that screen for questions and complaints.

View Your Selection
Purpose:View the selection you just made, or view a selection you made for a prior or future week. The validity of the week number is checked (must be between 1 and 21). The Group Name, Alias Name, and Password must also be entered.

Accessing:Clicking the 'View Your Selection' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:Week Number - between 1 and 21
Group Name, Alias Name, Password - The same information from your Add Player Confirmation Screen print. Note that the Password must match exactly. It is case sensitive.
You also may click on the checkbox to retrieve the data for an entire group of people that you have put in the picks for (optional). This option does not work for those with a Group Name of 'NONE'.

Output: Week - The Week number entered by the player (corresponds to the week number of the Pro Football Season.
Alias Name - Alias Name of the player(s).
Group Name - Group Name for the player and those he is responsible for (if applicable).
Pick - The selection by the player or players.
Pick Type - Indicates whether the pick was made (O)nline or by (R)andom selection.

Other Output
A Screen indicating that a pick hasn't been made yet is displayed if no pick can be found for the week number entered.

A not eligible to view a selection screen is displayed if the player has been knocked out of the pool due to a loss in a prior week.

A not eligible to view a selection screen is displayed if the player has never been identified as a player in the pool.
Further Processing:None.

View Selections
Purpose:View all selections for prior weeks, or view all of the current weeks selections (once the date and time for making picks for the week has passed. The validity of the week number is checked (must be between 1 and 21). Note that if there are early games for the week entered, once the End Date for making Thursday picks has been reached the games will be displayed here. Clicking the 'Selections Due When?' link will access the screen that displays the dates and times when each weeks picks are due by.

Accessing:Clicking the 'View Selections' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:Week Number - between 1 and 21

Output: Week - The Week number entered by the player (corresponds to the week number of the Pro Football Season.
Teams Selected - Summary of all the teams selected for that particular week.
Selected - Summary of the number of times each team has been selected for that particular week.
Alias Name - Alias Name of the player(s).
Group Name - Group Name for the player and those he is responsible for (if applicable).
Pick - The selection by the player or players.
Pick Type - Indicates whether the pick was made (O)nline or by (R)andom selection.

Other Output
Selections can't be viewed yet Screen is displayed if the date and time to Stop Allowing Selections to be made for the week has not yet been reached.

Further Processing:None.

View Surviviors
Purpose:View all Winning selections for current and prior weeks. The validity of the week number is checked (must be between 1 and 21). Clicking the 'Selections Due When?' link will access the screen that displays the dates and times when each weeks picks are due by.

Accessing:Clicking the 'View Selections' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:Week Number - between 1 and 21

Output: Week - The Week number entered by the player (corresponds to the week number of the Football Season.
Teams Selected - Summary of all the teams selected for that particular week.
Selected - Summary of the number of times each team has been selected for that particular week.
Alias Name - Alias Name of the player(s).
Group Name - Group Name for the player and those he is responsible for (if applicable).
Pick - The selection by the player or players.
Pick Type - Indicates whether the pick was made (O)nline or by (R)andom selection.

Other Output
A screen indicating that the 'Survivors can't be viewed yet' is displayed if the date and time to Stop Allowing Selections to be made for the week has not yet been reached.

If the Dates and Times have passed, and there are no winners marked in the database yet, a screen indicating 'No Winners Yet' is displayed.

If there is/are Thursday Games and they have been marked as winners, they will be displayed.

If any games are marked as winners, they will be displayed.
Further Processing:None.

Who Hit the Road?
Purpose:View all Losing selections for current and prior weeks. The validity of the week number is checked (must be between 1 and 21). Clicking the 'Selections Due When?' link will access the screen that displays the dates and times when each weeks picks are due by.

Accessing:Clicking the 'View Selections' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:Week Number - between 1 and 21

Output: Week - The Week number entered by the player (corresponds to the week number of the Football Season.
Teams Selected - Summary of all the teams selected for that particular week.
Selected - Summary of the number of times each team has been selected for that particular week.
Alias Name - Alias Name of the player(s).
Group Name - Group Name for the player and those he is responsible for (if applicable).
Pick - The selection by the player or players.
Pick Type - Indicates whether the pick was made (O)nline or by (R)andom selection.

Other Output
A screen indicating that the 'Losers can't be viewed yet' is displayed if the date and time to Stop Allowing Selections to be made for the week has not yet been reached.

If the Dates and Times have passed, and there are no losers marked in the database yet, a screen indicating 'No Losers Yet' is displayed.

If there is/are Thursday Games and they have been marked as losers, they will be displayed.

If any games are marked as losers, they will be displayed.
Further Processing:None.

View Add Player Start & End Date/Times
Purpose:Display the details of when to allow and stop adding players to the pool.

Accessing:Clicking the 'View Add Player Start & End Date/Times' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:None

Output: Allow Player Add Date - The Date that one is allowed to start adding players to the pool.
Allow Player Add Time - The Time (in combination with 'Allow Player Add Date') that one is allowed to start adding players to the pool.
Stop Player Add Date - The Date after which, (in combination with 'Stop Player Add Time') players can no longer be added to the pool.
Stop Player Add Time - The Time after which, (in combination with 'Stop Player Add Date') players can no longer be added to the pool.

Other Output
If no data is present on the table, a 'no data found' message is displayed. If you receive this message use the 'Contact me' link on the Main Menu.
Further Processing:None

Add Player
Purpose:Add players to the pool to allow them to make picks once the season starts. Clicking the 'View Add Player Start & End Date/Times' link will allow you to view when the Start and End Dates for allowing player additions.

Accessing:Clicking the 'Add Player' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:Group Name - Group Name is used to group several players under an individual who puts in entries for several players. This is an optional field. If this field is left blank, it will default to 'NONE'.
Alias Name - Name the player uses to make picks in the pool. This name can be most anything you like but I do ask that you keep it clean. I do reserve the right to reject anything 'too' much. Sorry, but it is at my discretion.
Real Name - Your real name is entered so I know who to contact and pay when it's over. This name is never displayed except when the 'Are You Sure' screen is displayed and on the 'Add Player Confirmation' screen.
Enter Password - The password can be up to 30 characters long. The password is case sensitive so that 'w1e3r' is not the same as 'W1E3R'. Be sure to record your Group Name, Alias Name, and Password. They are displayed on the Confirmation screen when you are added to the pool. You can not make a pick or verify a pick unless you enter all three. If you are putting in a 'Group' of players you might want to keep the same password for all of them.
Confirm Password - Enter the Password again to make sure it matches the first entry.
Email - Enter your email address so I can contact you.
Confirm Email - Enter the email address again to make sure it matches the first entry.
Reuse Data? - Allows for entry by 'Group Leaders' to make it easier to put in multiple players. Clicking this box will preserve the Group Name, Password, and Email input fields and leave Real Name and Alias Name blank. The 'Group Leader' then just needs to enter the Real Name and Alias Name. As long as the 'Reuse Data?' box is checked it will process the player add and set up for the next entry. When the last player is being added for the group, just 'unclick' the 'Reuse Data?' box and you will receive the confirmation screen.
Add Player - Starts the process to add a player to the database.
Clear Screen Button - Erases all input and text entered by the player.

Output: Group Name - The Group Name entered by the user or defaulted to "NONE".
Alias Name - The Alias Name entered by the user.
Real Name - The Real Name entered by the user.
Email - The Email Address entered by the user.
Password - The Password entered by the user.
Add Player Button - Once you have verified the displayed data is accurate, press this button to add the player to the database.

Other Output
If the "Open" Enrollment Period has either not arrived yet or has been passed a "Players can not be added Screen" is displayed. Check the "View Add Player Start & End Date/Times" Screen to verify the dates when players can be added.

 A Duplicate Entry Screen is displayed if the Group Name and Alias Name combination has already been entered.

Further Processing:If you had "clicked" on the "Reuse Data?" box you will be preserve the Group Name, Password, and Email input fields and leave Real Name and Alias Name blank for further entry. When the last player is being added for the group, just 'unclick' the 'Reuse Data?' box and you will receive the confirmation screen. As long as the 'Reuse Data?' box is checked it will process the player add and set up for the next entry and you will not get the Confirmation Screen.

View/Update Player Info
Purpose:View the current data for a player and to make changes only to the Email Address and/or Password for a player. All 3 entry fields must be populated to gain access to the information. The data may be changed regardless of the Players status (Acive or Inactive).

Input Fields:Group Name - Group Name for the player.
Alias Name - Alias Name of the player.
Password - The Password chosen by the player or "Group Leader".

Output: Display Only Fields:
Group Name - Group Name; cannot be changed.
Alias Name - Alias Name; cannot be changed.
Real Name - Real Name; cannot be changed.
E-Mail Address - Current E-mail address; can be changed.
Password - Current Password; can be changed.
Paid Indication - Shows whether the player has paid the entry fee yet.
Player Status - Shows whether the player is (A)ctive and can make a pick, or (I)nactive and cannot.
Status Date & Time - Displays the date and time the status went into effect.

Updateable (Form) Fields:
E-Mail - Current E-mail address; Pre-populated input field should not be be changed.
Password - Current Password; Pre-populated input field should not be changed.
New E-Mail - Enter new E-mail address if desired.
Confirm New E-Mail - Confirm the text entered above for accuracy.
New Password - Enter new Password if desired.
Confirm New Password - Confirm the text entered above for accuracy.
Update Info - Press to initiate the actual update process.
Clear Screen - Press to clear out all entries including the Pre-populated fields. Not advised to do this, but if you do I suggest you click the "Back" icon at the top of the screen to restart the view/update process.

Other Output
If the Group Name, Alias Name, and Password cannot be found an error screen is displayed and the data you entered is displayed for you to review.

If no changes are made to the data, then a screen is showing the current data is displayed.

If the data is changed, then a screen indicating the "before" and "after" fields is displayed. Screen print this page and keep for your records.
Further Processing:None.

View Players
Purpose:Display the Alias Name and Group Name of all the players that have been entered into the pool. In additon, the Status (A)ctive or (I)nactive and the Status Date and Time are also displayed.

Accessing:Clicking the 'View Players' link will access this screen.

Input Fields:None

Output: Alias Name - The Alias Name chosen by the player.
Group Name - The 'Group Name' of the player. Allows a player to enter picks and perform inquiries for his or her group of players.
Status - (A)ctive or (I)nactive. If Inactive, player cannot make picks.
Date - Date the Status was set to the above value in combination with the Time value below.
Time - Time the Status was set to the above value in combination with the Date value above.

Other Output

Further Processing:None.